Oral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a range of procedures aimed at treating various diseases, injuries, and defects in the oral cavity. Our skilled surgeons are equipped to perform complex tooth extractions, corrective jaw surgeries, and more, ensuring a blend of comfort and efficiency.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a procedure to rebuild or enhance the density of the jawbone, often required to support dental implants or other restorative structures. We utilize the latest techniques to facilitate bone regeneration, paving the way for successful dental implants and improved oral health.

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Root Canals

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected, relieving pain and eliminating bacteria from the compromised tooth. Our practice prioritizes patient comfort and utilizes advanced technology to ensure the root canal process is as painless and effective as possible.

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Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a common procedure to extract the third molars, which often cause problems when there is insufficient space for them to erupt properly. This preventive measure helps to avoid potential issues such as overcrowding, infections, and pain, ensuring better oral health and comfort.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is oral surgery and when is it needed?

    Oral surgery encompasses various surgical procedures within the mouth and jaw, including extractions, dental implants, corrective jaw surgery, and more. It's typically recommended to resolve issues such as impacted wisdom teeth, tooth loss, and jaw-related problems that cannot be addressed through less invasive treatments.

  • How should I prepare for oral surgery?

    Preparation for oral surgery involves following specific instructions from your oral surgeon, which may include fasting for a certain period before anesthesia, arranging for someone to drive you home post-surgery, and avoiding certain medications that could affect the procedure's outcome. Your oral surgeon will provide detailed guidelines based on your specific needs.

  • What can I expect during recovery from oral surgery?

    Recovery varies depending on the complexity of the surgery, but generally, patients can expect some swelling, discomfort, and limited oral function for a few days. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to manage pain and recommend a diet of soft foods, along with specific care instructions to ensure a smooth healing process.

  • Are there risks associated with oral surgery?

    As with any surgical procedure, oral surgery carries some risks, such as infection, bleeding, or reaction to anesthesia. However, when performed by a skilled and experienced oral surgeon, these procedures are generally safe and effective. Your surgeon will discuss all potential risks and how they are mitigated before your surgery.

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